Thursday, February 25, 2016

Today: just words, because who has time to mix photos and story?

Snapshot of today.

I can drive again.

I can take myself and my kids to appointments. 

I can drive carpool for the younger kids, working up slowly. 

I can walk during big shopping trips, or 3 small trips.

I don't have to lay on the church pew or any floor to make it thru a public event.  (I still say thru instead of through because who has time for those three extra letters?  And perhaps I take enjoyment knowing it bothers people)

I can walk.   I can FREAKING WALK!   No wheelchair, no electric scooter.  No breaks on walls, no benches or stools.  I can make dinner and tidy the house in one day, as long as that's all I do. 

I can stay on top of current projects (like Mark's birthday/baptism and Kate's birthday/party)

The den is functional.  Still finishing pieces, like the storage cubby curtains.  But the hammers and drills are put away. 

Today was built on:

Strong husband, who is completely worn out.   Friends who did what my body couldn't.   Family who helped give us a break.  Answered prayers.  Meaning in suffering.  A pounded out chore chart that is fixed, with a system from a friend with a social work background that helps everyone have hope of free time and plan for those who skip their responsibility.  To many doctors, therapists, books, prayers, inspiration, work, work, work, and time.  

but today being good is just today being good (and by today I mean the last 30 days and by good I mean better than last May-Sept)

Today is built on eating clean, and the friends who joined me in this battle.  We've taken over the word kosher to mean anything that is sugar, dairy, grain or starches free.  Paleo/Abascal is close to what we do.  Some of us call it "The Suzan Diet"  because we have the same doc of the same name and we all get the same lectures.  As one friend said, It's too bad this diet works, like really works.  Because it is hard and tastes horrible."   Weight loss is not the goal, but it is a nice side effect.  Lowering inflammation, helping the immune system fight chronic infection, reducing chronic pain,

However, the diet takes planning.  We've found a way to make it fun.  Friends sharing the load, cutting veggies for the week, sharing recipes, texting encouragement (The cake is a lie).   The same group who went out for dessert after kids went to bed are now meeting at the gym or joining forces for veggies.  (Oh, it looks so pretty on veggie day)  That part makes me happy, the friend part.  Because having yet another meal of raw cut veggies and a handful of almonds because you don't have time to cook an egg or defrost soup IS NOT FUN.     Take the I out of Diet and you have "det".  Which is the unicorn word for "friend".  Trust me.  I have a license to know these things.  

The diet does not stop siblings from fighting or your children from telling you how all their work and life problems are your fault.  In fact, in kind of makes it worse because there are no stashes of chocolate to hide behind the bed and eat.  And on that note, Sibling A has been making life miserable for everyone the past hour.   Time to hit send, before I re read, see edits I missed, or tell myself that I need to be afraid to share this much.