Monday, November 24, 2008

In the beginning...

So facebook and my weekly newsletters aren't enough for me.
Reasons Today for finally starting a blog:

I've been resting in bed since May 2008, my thoughts need to go somewhere.
I want to keep tabs on my favorite blogs from family
I really want to keep tabs on my favorite multiples blogs
I'd like to think someone reads this, proving my importance in this world
People say my newsletters are funny. So maybe my blog will be too.
People say my newsletters are gross. So maybe my blog will be too.
I've been writing family newsletters for 4 or more years, so I'm good at this (i really really hope)
I've gone thru a lot in my young life, and maybe my story will help someone else

Family Stats
Grant...full time breadwinner and bacon cooker
Rachel....full time sicko, trying to heal from 5 surgeries
Alex....9 years old, full time student, part time fight picker
Emily....7 years old, full time student, part time singer/screamer
Katelyn....2 1/2 years old, full time TV watcher (lets be honest), beginner potty trainer
Mark...9 months, recently finished his last job as Rachel's body recker. Currently full time crawler and teether

And Nanny Julie, our sanity and health saver, who takes care of the kids while Grant works and Rachel rests.

1 comment:

  1. Rachel you are sooo Funny! I was just thinking today how I miss reading your posts. :) Thanks again for the baby stuff. It was fun to see you (nanny) and your kids today. Your nanny has a cute dog. So what is your favorite movie? We should watch it. I am packing today and tomorrow but maybe I could convince you to come to my house after the kids sleep to watch a movie. Takl to you later!


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