Sunday, September 6, 2009

First day: Moving on up! Also, Introducing AJ

Good morning!  We had a great morning for about…20 minutes.  Then all hell broke lose.  No, I guess only heck, since there was no blood.  If pictures could talk, you would hear screaming in the back round.

IMG_9815 Emily was ready for school first.  She wouldn’t stop “pose, pose, I'm so cute, pose” –ing so I could get a normal photo.  Then I remembered, Emily is far from normal.

IMG_9832 Alex joining in.  He would have his hand in a fist, if it wasn’t for his messed up finger cast.  The kids were mad that I wasn’t letting them walk to school with the neighborhood gang.  I claimed the privilege of walking with my kids into their classes.  Since I couldn’t walk,  THEY WERE NOT WALKING.  PERIOD.   wow, it was a rough morning!


This is just part of our street’s walking group.   We are SO blessed!


Emily can’t take her eyes off her teacher, Mrs.  Hatai.


Alex is looking…wait, he’s not Alex.  He is AJ.  Or as he often writes it, Aj.   Last year, he was sick of writing Alex R.   There are 3 Alex’s in his grade.  He wanted to switch it to AJ, for Alexander Joseph.  But half way thru the year is not the time to do that to a teacher.  This summer, he kept asking.  So before school started, I called the school secretary.  Our angel, Ann.  She made sure his teacher had things set up as AJ. 


So here is AJ’s first day of school.  19 means he’s the 19th kid in the class alphabetical order list.   He has got an admirably organized teacher, Ms. Lajoie.

Do you think YOU can pronounce their teachers names? 

Happy first day of school!


  1. Is it wrong that the picture of Alex's finger made me laugh?

  2. no it is not wrong, hehehe I laughed too.


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