Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Five minutes…go!


Can’t blog because we took the kids to the temple grounds on Sunday instead.


Can’t blog because I’m enthralled with watching their imaginations.

Emily's Baptism 047

Can’t blog because I want to do all I can for Phyllis.  Which happens to be networking and making a document to help those who CAN help her.  I’m so sad that the lung cancer is so aggressive and the chemo so overwhelming.    (and can’t blog cause I worried I did the wrong thing for a moment!)


Can’t blog because I was busy getting the Halloween boxes out (with Julie lifting, of course Mom!)  Can’t blog because I must get decorations out and costumes picked before I write about how much I hate the boxes in my living room.    And I must write about how little I hate the boxes in my living room.   God really has squashed the will to have thing complete right out of me. 


And 2 weeks later, we had 15 minutes to open the boxes and pick Halloween costumes.  Vickie, I know you read this.  THANK YOU for the dress up clothes/costumes.  Emily jumped and screamed when she saw the Barbie dress.  Then she jumped and twirled when it fit.  The boxes, of course, are still there. 


Can’t blog because I’m drinking up every bit of baby left in this boy.  Including laughing when he got his shorts around his head.


Can’t blog because this same baby has had a bleeding rash for 2 weeks.  Meds, creams, air aren’t helping.  Now we’ve given up baby wipes.  So I couldn’t blog while my hands had to cut up soft rags.     And soon I can’t blog because I’m going to have to wash all this new laundry.  Including towels that he sits bare bottom on 4-5 times a day.    When I finish washing Grant finishes that, I still can’t blog because we’re on month 2 of trying to figure out why he has polka dots on his face.    Even Grant didn’t look this bad as a teenager.  No wheat, no oats, no tomatoes….still not sure!  No dairy starts tomorrow.  No fun.  No blogging.


Can’t blog because I’m doing more for the family during the day.  And I started PT, Physical Therapy.  So by 9:30 pm, I’m asleep here, instead of blogging from here.  And twice last week Grant couldn’t wake me up, so I slept all night on the couch.  I woke up, unaware that Grant had a hard time sleeping without me.

And now I’ve taken 30 minutes instead of 5.  Now I can’t blog anymore, because my readers don’t care that I’m not blogging more about these wicked events.  But my husband does care that we’ve not really had a conversation in several days.  

Why can’t you blog?


  1. I used to babysit a kid who got bleeding rashes (happened to my kids a couple times too). The mom had me just soak baby wipes in warm water and it seemed to help. With my own kids, I just put a towel under them and squeezed the water onto their bums, then gently patted them dry. It's so sad when they get sore like that. I hope it clears up soon.

    I'm so happy you're helping Phyllis. She's been on my mind a lot. She's amazing! Hope PT works wonders for you too.

  2. I know I havent bloged in forever but always like to see what everyone else posted on there blogs and get sad if no one has updated. I have been sad and busy lately flying across the country so hopefully since Im back home I will try to post more and after I get over being sick and jet laged. (sorry about spelling)

  3. Um I ment flying around the World and not country. haha

  4. I love the questions at the end of your blog! Does it get you more comments??? Half the time I blog, no one says anything. :(

    Let's see....I don't blog more because I'm trying to sell my house and have to keep it insanely clean for that dreaded, yet thrilling, call from my realtor that tells me someone wants to look at my house.

    I also don't have time to blog more because my husband has been working out of state for the last 2 months, so I've been a single mom of 4 kids.

    So when I am not cleaning or managing kids, I thoroughly enjoy reading other people's blogs, but just don't get around to posting anything myself.


I'm touched you would comment. Please be gentle.