Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Piano Lessons: Just like a doctors office

Hmmm…what to blog about that I won’t regret putting into print later.    Not that I might have anything to write that is so full of anger that I might regret it.  Of course, it’s Wednesday!  Piano lessons for the big kids.   I’m writing this during my hour on the couch.  A lovely blue couch that I can even lay out on.   For some reason this sitting, waiting, I feel like my name will be called by a nurse soon!

This is Sis. Cahoon.   She’s a great teacher.  We’ve been on her waiting list for a while, before we got the call to start this month. IMG_0033Emily is putting her gum under the keyboard while Sis. Cahoon looks away.   Just kidding!  Of course Sis. Cahoon would never look away.

Today’s first song, the postman.  I can tell from where her hands are.   This “Thumbs sharing Middle C” song has been tricky for her.    IMG_0029 Emily is ALWAYS first.   She ALWAYS knew she wash first.  We told her, “Emily!  (and Alex)I’m so excited about a phone call I got today.   We got to the top of the piano lesson waiting list!  Emily got into the 4:30 slot, and Alex got into the 5:00 slot!  I’m so excited for you guys! 

Now in reality, Sis. Cahoon didn’t care.  They could switch every weeks for all she cared.  But I cared.   And I knew that soon my kids would either want to put of the pain of lessons another half hour.  Or would want to be the first to read that week’s Sunday comics in the her reading basket.   And then a fight would proceed.  With threats and yelling and crying and extra chores and frozen children declaring “YOU CAN’T MAKE ME, IT’S NOT MY TURN THIS WEEK!!!!”


Yeah, I might have surpressed childhood issues about this.   But before I tell you that, here is Alex.  Waiting for his turn:IMG_0034This week a pokemon book is more interesting.  Right after I took this picture, he told me about the pink character you see here.  It’s got it’s mouth open, with it’s ginormous tongue sticking out.  Of course, it’s so big that it’s more hanging down.  Guess what the name is?  “Lickitung”  Pronounced LICK-ih-tung.  

A creature with a huge tongue that can paralyze it’s victims with a single lick.  Named Lickitung.  I wonder how late that Pokemon writer was working, and what he needed to hurry home to.   Cause “Body Part Action” plus "action sound” plus “Name of body part” is really a lazy name.  Of course, he might be the only Pokemon I will be able to recognize beside that Yellow guy. 

I came up with these great names


Waxeeyear  (get it?  Wax –e-ear)

Gooperi  (Goop be eye)

I could go on forever.  But then I would lose any readers but 3rd grade boys.  

What would my name be? Maybe….

Layigdon  (Lay ing down)

Haha, this one would be for Tammy R. and Holly O…..

Paynegul  (pain –knee- girl) 

It would have oversized knees that had the eyes.  It would be able to squish opponents between the knees, and shoot kneecaps out to stun. 

What would your name be? 

1 comment:

  1. I would be Pullairit
    translation: Pull-hair-out
    I seem to be pulling my hair out a lot while raising a two year old. How does anyone make it through the terrible two's? I suppose they must be dreading the terrible three's...right?


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