Friday, September 11, 2009

Good bye Finger *post note

We regret to inform you that you missed the funeral and burial of Alex’s fingertip/fingernail.   After the accident, the nanny found it in the back doorway.  1 hour to late to sew back on.  It rested in the freezer, in a Chinese take out box.   Now, I bring you, the burial.  In proper Mormon fashion.


After we got the finger out of the freezer, the boys insisted on snacks afterwards.   But first, they had to dig the grave.   


Have a viewing, and giving finality to life that has been lost.  check.


The whole trauma of the event was soothed when Alex was promised a funeral.  “No tombstones”, Grant said while he declined an invitation


Mourn with those that mourn.  Say “see you later, I will miss you”.  Check!


Have a lighter moment of laughter, knowing that all will be together in the resurrection.  Check!



What do you serve at a Mormon funeral?  Funeral Potatoes, of course.  I didn’t have the proper cream soups and raw potatoes.  But I did have new Pringles.   Bury the dead and eat potatoes.   Check!

If you feel the need to mourn privately, you can look under the lilac tree in the front yard.   It’s under the southwest corner. 

Good news is that finger tips are one part of the body that regenerate.  We see the wound doc Friday.  He’s got a great scab, so he’s going to heal nicely.  If he could, he would have a nail back by Christmas.  But they think that the cuticle healed down on the nail bed.  It can’t be fixed, so chances are his nail won’t grow back.  He also broke his finger on the growth plate.  He has a splint to protect his finger.  We are hopeful it heals well, and his finger can grow normal. 

The end

( of the beginning of Alex’s Finger)

***Post note

I wrote this post on Sunday, Sept 6.   I wrote about 6 posts that day.  So I forgot about this particular post.  It has  been posted during a time of grieving for my family.  Wednesday, my cousin tragically died.  The death has touched my family, creating  a surprise and open communication.   

So I give no offense to my family in my choice to keep this post up.  My heart and thoughts continue to be with the Spencer family, as they make sense of Jeff’s sudden death and prepare for his funeral on Monday.

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha!!!! That reminded me of Fried Green Tomatoes. "Here lies Stump." That's really cool his fingertip can grow back.


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