Wednesday, September 9, 2009

My floors are talking to me: I’m Cold!

The floors in my house are cold.    Even though my floors can’t talk, I know they must be cold.  Because at this very moment, I found this:


And this two:


And this:


Even on the warmer carpet I found this:


And the toasty attic, I still found this:


Mark is 18 months.   A month ago I noticed it starting.   When I changed his diaper for bedtime, he would reach up for the blanket pile.  Infant reciving blankets soon became hugged IN ADDITION to his normal sleeping blankets.   Soon it became part of his wardrobe.  A blankie in his arm.  Or a stuffed animal “lovie”.   Or both.  He has preferences, but no one favorite.   Thanks to our awesome, overly generous neighbors, The Millers,  Mark has even more stuffed animals to pick from.  There is no lack of animals to hug in our house.  Nor arms willing to love them.  Like this:


As much as Mark’s arms love to snuggle…they also love to let go.  Let go of blankets  Let go of toys.  Where ever in the house he is.    Like when he got distracted by his siblings computer games:

IMG_9886 That’s a flamingo.  Thanks to the millers, we now have 3.  Or 4.   I’ve never seen them all together.  And this cute puppy, in our storage room.  I think the animals left here got exchanged for food or a tool.  


Some places I don’t understand.  I found Mark’s mostly favorite bear next to the stove.  As I went closer to take this photo, Mark turned to see what I was looking at.  He grabbed his bear so fast, that I didn’t even get a photo of it.IMG_9896

Caught in the act of a grab and run….IMG_9897

He wouldn’t let bear go….even in the name of “recreate moment photo for the blog.”  The nerve!


Such sweet boy, with so much love!  He’s my first baby to use blankets as a lovie.     I will miss the phase of a baby:  Blankies and Lovies.   Yes, my big kids love to snuggle certain blankets and animals.  Even Alex.   Yet it seems much more heartwarming to see a baby do it. 

Do your kids have a blankie or a lovie?


  1. Kaden currently likes to take two different Mario Wii Game cases to bed with him. He loves to look at the all the guys on the cover.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Cute sweet boy! Dean just gets all the dish's out. Oh and eat toilet paper any chance he gets~ hahahahaha


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