Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I never bought a VeggiTale cookie cutter....

...but if you ever need to borrow one, I've got it!  This was a hard-to-find homemade donut shape cutter. 

This is what it looked like before Mark learned to open all the cupboards and drawers.  This is what it looked liked for years as we never made donuts.  This is what shape many, many hands have made play-doh donuts out of.  


You can order this one from for just 4$ if you don't live near Gridley, CA.  I bought mine at Bremers. 

This is what MY cookie cuter looked like after today:


Could be anyone of the Veggie Tale gourds, Jimmy or Jerry, or even Mr. Lunt  with his missing bellybutton.


Or next "eyesight appreciate day"  or perhaps, "hug your optometrist day"  I could use this to make really cool cookies.    Yes, Uncle Kent, this cookie is for you. 

Thanks to all my kids for making it possible.  Mark for your curiosity.  Alex for your ignorance to anything found in the wrong place.  And Kate and Emily for being so sure footed as to make such a beautiful shape in such a boring, old circle cookie cutter.   How boring my life would be without you. 


  1. Life is always interesting with children!

  2. Now that's "looking" on the bright side!!


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