Friday, January 9, 2009

No more looking, I AM the neighborhood crazy lady.

December, Snow 156

Yep.   That's me.  In my warm pink bathrobe.  And my tall brown with orange flower rubber boots.  And one of my warm hats.  (And probably without a bra on, just keeping it real.)

And this is not the first time I've been outside, in my bathrobe.  That's hundreds of times.    I've even talked with people I know, while I laid on my porch swing, in my bathrobe.  

This is however, the first time I've been photographed (to my knowledge) in the act of being the neighborhood crazy lady.

This day was supposed to be two days BEFORE the winter school break.  Even a 1/2 of snow shuts down the schools here.  And the 5 inches we got on Dec 19 shut down the whole city.  Even when I called my doctors, I got transferred to the local hospital's emergency line.

"Due to the weather, most doctors offices are closed.  The Emergency Room is understaffed and overworked, so unless you're dying, stay home"

More proof of me being the neighborhood crazy lady HERE  and HERE

I would list many more reasons, but I'm in a good mood, and I honestly can't think of any.  If I do, I'll list them in the comments. 

Or you, my neighbors, can list them.    (sorry neighbor boys that I laughed at, then blogged about laughing, then saw you hung a sheet up where you didn't have curtains, then I realized I gave you a Christmas card with our blog address on it ...before I laughed at you.  Yeah, sorry.  Hope you liked the cookies!) 

In defense of Crazy Lady:

Every street needs one.  And I don't think I'm too far off to say that every street has one.  Now I don't have to worry that my kids will get attacked by our street crazy lady, without my knowledge. 

And if I only had a coat that was as warm as my bathrobe...or even if my body would get healthy and I wasn't always so dang cold.   Or if my kids were old enough to care.....Nah.   I like making my kids embarrassed.  It's payback for all those sleepless nights.   And like I said, every street has one.   Why NOT me?


  1. Hmm. I think to truly qualify as the neighborhood crazy lady, you need to let your lawn get completely out of control until it is all weeds and ask random people as they walk by if they will pull them for you. (Yes, this happened to me.)

    And make everyone call you grandma whether they want to or not.

  2. Hah, too funny. I want a warm bathrobe like that!

  3. You know, I have a hat almost exactly like yours! It's wonderful for those frosty days that I take a kid to the bus stop and haven't gotten around to brushing my hair yet! I also have a fleece bathrobe that is oh so cozy, much like yours, I'm sure. I made it myself, so it is plenty long all around. I haven't yet taken to sitting on the front porch yet wearing it, but I have spent many a day comfy in my house wearing my bathrobe. Since we keep the temp kind of low in the house, I often wear it over my street clothes as a kind of blanket. There is a lot to be said for comfort!


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