Monday, June 1, 2009

last doctor left less hope and ketamine

A nasal pain med. Odd. Read the side effects....cry.

wiki it...the literature alone makes me scream. this is the life God has in store for me? anything to avoid narcotics, eh? guess lsd is not a narcotic.

oh God, sorry for swearing about this damn situation. I hate your current plan for me, just thought you aught to know.


1 comment:

  1. I have mentally and phyically been where you are now! I got over it and I KNOW you CAN get over it because I know you. I believe YOU will get over it. This YOU must KNOW. GOD has felt every pain and emotion you will EVER feel, He knows that pain and how it feels. To overcome these feelings you MUST know and believe that HE understands and HE is the ONLY one who can give you comfort and reliefe from this unending pain and depression!Anger and disobedence will NOT help. Trust in him will and trust in your Family will help you over come. You must understand that just because we don't talk about your pain and suffering does NOT mean that we don't know of it or that we don't pray for your relief. All who know you want this to be over, Even GOD wants this to be over, BUT just as Job had to wait and suffer till God said it was time, You will be blessed IF you continue to do as Job did, Prais God and thank God for his many blessings.


I'm touched you would comment. Please be gentle.