Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Dear, I love you! Love, Rachel

So the nanny came home today. Tomorrow she'll be back to work!!!! I am thrilled. I'm not ready to be a mom again yet. All things considered, this was a great week to have it happen. Grant had an extra day home with the holiday. We got some teenagers to come in Monday, Tuesday and today. It gave me 3 hours to lay flat and sometimes nap.

I did the first day without that (since all the sitters were at camp!) and I was a piece of wet, soggy, moldy toast by the end of the day. Sarah L's afternoon visit helped keep that day from busting into flames.

If you want to see some stuff about the kids, thru love letters, visit our other blog

I Love you,

So check it out. I wish I was the founder. I've kept this a secret, but now I thought i'd share it. Cause I'm too tired to cut and paste the last post. Aren't you lucky!!!

If you have a love letter that you want to publish, let me know. I can maybe pull some strings.

What is that you say dear reader? Oh, how am I? Yes. I'm okay. Which is better than I was three nights ago. Better than I was two nights ago. Now I just wait optimistically for the next day. Until then, I write love letters.

Dear my blog reader,
I love you. Thanks for reading my blog. It makes me feel really good to know that you do. And reading your comments make me feel happily popular. Thanks!
Love, Rachel


  1. Cute! I liked this blog!

  2. Rachel, you truly inspire me! I can't even begin to imagine what life in your shoes would be like and yet you keep finding things to celebrate! It's a good reminder to me that it's o.k. to acknowledge that life sucks sometimes, but then we can also find joy in the little things.

  3. Aw, thanks guys!
    I've also fixed the link to go to the real web site.


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