Sunday, July 26, 2009

Lucky Morning

When I was a kid, we had an unspoken contest at breakfast.  It wasn't every breakfast.  Just the ones that we got lucky and had cold cereal…huge bricks of “shredded wheat” or plain Jane “Corn Flakes”.   Now I’m grown up, with more money, so I ate Honey Bunches of Oats* this morning. 

July Fun 179

This morning I poured a bowl that would have won the contest for sure.

July Fun 178

Do you see it?  Do you see my prize winning wheat flake?  Bigger than a silver dollar?  How about now?

July Fun 181

Wowsers!   First prize for me today!   What lucky quality control error have you been lucky to find?

*Okay, I must be honest.  I still can’t fight the Zmolek Gene.  I actually bought Safeway's brand of “Honey Bunches of Oats” that were half the priced…and   even on sale for less than listed!  Zmolek apples are cheap and don’t even roll far from the tree;m 

pps….recover is harder than I expected.  Grant was asked by my doc to take over pain pill dispersion.  I’m on a schedule, and forced to be around people.  I want to be in bed.  I want people to come to me.  And bring donuts.    I hate surgery.


  1. One time I got a ginormous chunk of chocolate in my mint chocolate chip ice cream. It was awesome. I wish they would mess up more often.

    Sorry your recovery is so hard.


    Would you like me to come over and give you the stomach flu? It's fun for the whole family!

  2. I'm bringing you donuts when everyone in my house is done throwing-up. Then you can be sure it's germ free. The virus' latest victim is Matt.


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