Saturday, February 28, 2009

1 little, 2 little, 3 little pukers...but 4 or 5!!!

Well, we've been very blessed that the stomach viruses have passed us by for at least a year, maybe two.   Last night changed that. 

This is how my living room looks now:birthdays and throw ups 399

I slept on the couch from 12:30 (when # 2 started getting sick and sick and sick).   Funny, they got sick in backwards birth order

see everyone's puke buckets? And wood floors are a must for recovery. 

I've never had 4 kids sick at the same time, so fresh....

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Flat 7up, Clorox wipes, babies formula, hand sanitizer, and THE LIST

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So far we canceled

*The coveted appointment with a pediatric urologist at 9:30 Saturday morning.

*Going to church

*Grant giving a lesson in church

*going grocery shopping.   The nanny's lunches filling our fridge more this week then our own stuff.   Good thing we have a decent food storage.

WE HAVE NOT CANCELED my colonoscopy on Monday, with prep on Sunday.  I must say being Nurse Mommy has helped keep away the anxiety of  those days

Oh dear, so tired, kids are starting to beg for food....


Oh, there goes Alex again, time to reset the liquids clock for him......

Hehe, Alex who was just begging for food five minutes ago now says he doesn't want to eat anything until he's better.    Hehe, flu food remorse!


  1. now i'm feeling great that i have kept my distance from your family all week. yuck. i hate the flu- especially multiplied x the number of children you have. even though it's tons of work and sucks really bad, consider it a blessing (i know you had that terminology, sorry) that you get to get it all over with at once. hopefully, you won't come down with it,too- until after they're done. could it be food poisoning?
    i called last night, but you were asleep again, i think. did you get what you needed from the store for mark? what about groceries? let me know what you need; i have a fairly open day today. i'll call in a bit when i'm up and going.

    oh- and thanks for canceling church. we all appreciate it.

  2. Oh crap! Noooooooo!!! I hope you don't get it.

  3. AAAAH! I am sooo sorry to hear that! I hate it when everyone gets it. Espcially eli. Let me know if you need anything.

  4. Amy, please let everyone know that I have cancelled church.

    Yes, Kate, Emily, Alex and Grant have food poisoning...tatter tots undercooked for dinner. I didn't eat any. Mark's got a virus and he's been sick for days. Or it's a reaction to the diflucan he's on.

    One of my VT is doing a gatoraid/sandwich run for us. I'm supposed to be eatting to build my streght for the next to days, but as you can guess, this isn't helping me.

    Thanks for the offers!

  5. You can get food poisoning from tator tots???


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