Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Mystery Cookie Monster

Somebody had a fun FHE....decorating and delivering heart shaped cookies with lemon icing.    Did they drop them at your door too?

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I love how they used a kid to write, so we can't recognizing the handwriting.   Hmmmm.....who loves us so much that we got this surprise plate full of tasty goodness?

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It's just too bad that our kids go to bed early.  The one on the bottom was very tasty at 9pm last night.  It had a peanut butter cup in the middle.  New love: Lemony-chocolate-peanut-butter.

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Oh thank you, thank you friend who made these lovely cookies!  We feel so touched to be a special cookie drop during a time like this.

Hmmm....who was it?   They drove away in a VW Beetle.  And It couldn't be Amy B because she might be superwoman, but she did just have her gallbladder out.  Feel better soon!   I'll eat another cookie in honor of your pain.


  1. thanks,rachel. i did the same for you today, only it was jello. don't you miss it? :)

  2. Hmmm...Jello. It's actually been long enough that it does sound good. I have a few boxes of apricot if that tickles your fancy, it's ones I can only find in Utah.


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