Wednesday, February 4, 2009

L is for Legos, Lucy Lynn, and Light

Today's post is brought to you by the letter L


L is for Lego. 

I did nothing that I should have this morning.. instead I played  just with Katelyn.  She was more  happy than the doctor would have been if I did shower. 


L is also for Lucy Lynn,

who was born yesterday.  She was a big one, 8 pounds, 11 oz.  20 inches long.   Mom is recovering as expected for her 4th c-section.    She sure is a beauty and doing fine also.


Lucy's siblings are surely excited for her to come home tomorrow.   Congrats, Naomi C. for baking such a darling girl!!



L is also for light

Newborn babies feel so light!   Holding Lucy for so long felt like bright light shining on my soul.   If you live in Seattle, you're probably thankful for another light day also, very few clouds!


(Amy and Julie, if you do read this, it's as short as I can make them!)


  1. i'm glad "L" stood for light and not lengthy. very happy and light to read; jealous you got to hold that baby already. :)

  2. Hey you forgot the L is also for Leigh Anna your awesome Colorado girl that is sending you Lots of Love (another L). Glad to hear your day was better hopefully they stay that way because you've earned them.

  3. Lucy is cute! I wish I could have visited her. Does she have meals going? I wish I could help out some way. You look so calm holding her. Love your blog BTW.


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