Monday, February 2, 2009

Why do you have a nanny?

Do you need to ask why?

Ummm..Rude much? Just kidding. I'm a curious person too, so I know I'd be asking the same thing.

If you a regular reader of this site, you know that my health has sucked for years. And after the birth of #4, I had the choice of being a full time mom and dying, or getting admitted to the hospital, or having help in the home so I could heal.

Since my husband and I have "done without" for years, we were able to pay for a nanny to come into our home and do my job. This way Grant could be happy doing his job. And I could get better. And our children could visit me whenever they wanted.
It's not fun being sick! Mark sick with a really bad sinus infection: His eyes were boggered shut and his nose was boggered shut. It was like a bogger mustache. Poor guy!

We had only one car for 7 years. We bought a small house and have made improvements instead of moving up. We've stayed in this home so we could be more comfortable with our savings that our square feet. We've been cheap for wedding, birthdays and showers. (sorry if you were one of the people who got a cheap gift!) And now that we need help, we don't have to suffer or beg like years past.

Do we have a nanny because we can't handle 4 crying kids? NOPE!
We have a nanny because we REALLY HAD NO OTHER CHOICE .
We can afford the nanny because God blessed us with obedience in provident living.

Sometimes it seems like we see the "loaves and the fishes" miracle with our savings. We thought we could only afford the nanny until Dec. Then January. Then February. Now with another surgery looming, our nanny has taken a pay cut so that our children will continue to see her daily until I'm better. (6 weeks post surgery, at least, my body better cooperate this time!).
As you can see, any one person has their hands full with 4 kids!
Hope I can edit my blog in June to say, "why we used to need a nanny"


  1. You do what you gotta do. I'm glad that you are able to have a nanny so you can be at home to heal. My mom was chronically ill when I was a kid. She does common variable auto immune deficiency which is a genetic condition that effectively means that she has no immune system (she does not make any Immunoglobulins). Until they figured it out she was sick all the time (pnuemonia 3 times in a row one winter). She was always laying down because she was soooo tired (a natural immune defense but she didn't have the immune system to back it up). I would say her sickness probably lasted for about 5 years before they figured it out. Once they did figure it out she was not allowed out of the house for a few months while her immune system was replaced with IVs. Now she gets IVs of IgG every 3-4 weeks. It keeps her healthy. It was hard having mom checked out for five years but it wasn't the end of the world. It has effected me- probably in ways that I don't even understand but it has strengthened me in as many areas as it has weakened me. It is ok. I'm thankful that my mom got healthy again. I hope that your surgeries heal you so your kids can have a healthy mom again. They will forget about sick mom pretty quickly once they have healthy mom. They will keep each other busy until then as four siblings are able to do. (I am the oldest of 4)

  2. D, I had no idea! Wow! I think one reason it takes so long for mom's to get diagnosed is that they have a full schedule anyway with kids, so they can't drop everything and push the doctors along. This last bit has gone much faster because I can focus on it. And call the doctors every day to see if I can slip into a cancelation.
    Thanks for sharing your story. I know a few other "Owie Mom's" read this and might find comfort from a kid who grew up with it all!.

  3. rachel, i'm here.
    you're a great example to many of provident living. so happy you were able to negotiotiate with your nanny to get you through your FINAL surgery. she sounds like a keeper (but only until 4.17.09 + 6 weeks).


I'm touched you would comment. Please be gentle.