Friday, May 22, 2009

Guess the floor!

Yes we're on the road to California. My new body doesn't care that we only have 2 hours left on a 12 hour drive. Guess where this floor is!

Extra credit: what is my family doing during this detour?

Now its time AGAIN to play every colon's favorite that floor!

Sent from my Windows Mobile Phone


  1. Looks like a wendy's bathroom floor to me.

  2. I am guessing a gas station .... hum a flying-J. Not too ghetto, but just ghetto enough to make you not want to do your business.

  3. two swings, to misses!
    Surprisingly, it's not Wendy's or flying J.

    It's not even a fast food place, thank goodness g55t555555

    thank you mark, for that commercial break...

    it's not a fast food place.....

    try again

  4. Ok, here I go:

    1. A public rest stop
    2. A swimming pool bathroom at a community center in a town you've passed through (too far of a stretch I think).
    3. A .... hum, I give up.


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