Saturday, May 9, 2009

I won something!

I'm so happy, I would be jumping and yelling. If I wasn't alone in the house, and hurting. (Grant's doing errands with all 4 kids while I lay down and wait for the drugs to kick in)
So, instead of jumping, I'll blog about it with lots of !!!!!

On my sidebar, one of my favorite blogs is

She writes a blog "because I said so" about life with 6 kids. And she wrote a book of the same title, out recently.

You might remember her from the popular ebay posting/blog about a trip to target. And no, she's not LDS, and she was so confused why people kept asking her that. Cause more people than just us Mormon's have lots of kids intentionally. :)

So...did you notice THIS POST?

I actually won something!! And the thing I wanted most, her book! I keep meaning to put it on hold at KCLS, but blogging is so much more fun.

Okay, reading blogs in bed is so much more fun!

Can't wait to get it in the mail :)

Dear Dawn,

I love you.
I love your blog.
Thanks for randomly picking me to win!


1 comment:

  1. That's awesome!! I'll have to start checking out her blog.


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