Wednesday, March 11, 2009

FHE: What do you want to be?

Tonight we had ice cream as treat, and talked for our activity.

"what do you want to be when you grow up?"

The kids laughed when we said we hadn't grown up yet.

They guessed my first one easily:   Grandma!   I was surprised at the change in the older kids answers.   No more firefighters and ballerina! 

Family Flu and Colon prep 029

(photo from playdoh flu day, we threw away all their creations)

Alex's Top 3:

Scientist; Chemist; Scientist who works with metal; Professional Skier;  Pro Snowboarder; Pro Cricket Player (he helped ONE game); Pro Soccer player; Missionary, Father (of course mom, I HAVE to be those)

Emily's Top 3:

Pop Star;  Vet; Part of a band; Mom

(I miss last years, Mom who teaches dance from her big house)

Rachel's Top 3:

Nurse; Grandma; Missionary

Grant's Top 3:

Mattress Tester; Service Missionary for the church; Help fix improve the church computer department

Kate's Top 3:  

Mark's Top 3:

Oops, Time and ice cream ran out before we could guess those.    Any ideas? 

Or what do you want to be when you grow up?


  1. Kate wants to be an anthropologist,a farmer, and a Spanish soap opera queen.

    Mark wants to own his own Coldstone, make movies, and work for Nintendo.

    Those are my guesses.

    These are Carmen's guesses:

    vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb dgbvc z

    When I grow up I want to be a mom who has 4 kids in a two bedroom apartment, a part-time writer, a part-time piano teacher, and a part time wedding singer/pianist.

  2. When I grown up I want to be a mom of four or five, own my own house, have all my bills paid off, Married of course, serve others, Go to the temple often (because we do not now), umm...have a med size dog, no more cats EVER!!! Have a Huge back yard to have a trampoline, chickens, greenhouse, 4 wheelers track, I wanna own 4 dirt bikes, 2 4 wheelers, A seperate side house to rent out to those that need cheap rent, go to school part time to be a teacher or pediatric nurse and work at childrens, learn a language (spanish or french) hahaha or both, Homeschool my kids (like that will ever happen),Have a tractor to do huge gardens on our property, Have an airplane hanger with plane inside, A house that was designed by david and I where he celling in the bedroom opens up so we can see the stars and the bed rises,I want to grow up to want to be young again and never grow up!

  3. oh! oh! I know, I know....mee mee me, pick me. I read your blog tooo!

  4. I don't want to grow up.


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