Saturday, March 14, 2009

From the hospital

it's 1am . I had to call the nurse to use a bedside comode. Again. And now I can't go back to sleep. This time last night, Mark woke me up crying. I gave IN AND CHECKED ON HIM. The smell hit me before I could see his face. I out him down by 2, new bottle and fresh diaper. Then went downstairs for a third of a box of samoa girl scout cookies.

Friday didn't go a planned. I'm up again, craving those cookies. But i'm pretty sure they don't have those here.

I did just get different relief when they took my IV out. I'll have quite the bruise. Since I had to use that hand to move around.

You see, Thursday I met this highly recommended cortisone shot neurologist. He was so anxious to have me pain free, that he got me in the next day for the shot.

Since I had such a horribly painful shot with my last doc, he gave me the option of conscious sedation. I was thrilled! Even though I would need to stop eating after 7am for the 3pm shot.

The two shots went great. I made so many people laugh with my body writing. This time it was

Matt. 5:39
...turn the other cheek...

It took a while to wake up. Then I had help getting up for the first time. I'm so glad they were there. Both my legs were so numb, I could not make them work. The numbness went up to my hips. I collapsed. It took me minute to realize I HAD LOST CONTROL OF MY BLADDER!!

Well, they don't like to send you home like that to 4 young children, so my doc strongly encouraged me to check in over night.

So here I am. Grant said to eat breakfast slow since they want to go to the bishops sons baptism. I'm in no hurry, since they said this would wear off in 8 to 9 hours and I'm still half numb and can't get up alone.

It's my first stay at Swedish cherry hill. And its a pretty nice set up. Room service style menu to order from, 7am to 8pm. I had french toast and fruit for dinner.

Okay, fatigue is setting back in. Goodnight and good morning!


Ps the doc says that people who get this end up with a great pain blocker!

Sent from my Windows Mobile Phone


  1. That stinks that you had those side effects, but I hope you slept great!

  2. nope! Woke up every few hours: too hot, too cold, had to pee, had my vitals checked.

    Now i'm home. And my nerves are hypersensitive. like I've become autisic over night. Normal play noises make me cry. Grant talking on the phone overwhelms me.


    I'm lost, i'm crying, i'm alone...alone with a very grumpy husband who won't let me sleep it off in my "cave" (bedroom) and one 3 children are home now. 20 minutes with them, and I sent them too bed because I felt emotional beat up from the interaction. I can't describe it in any other way. This is nothing I've felt before. SARAH? GOD? Anybody, WHAT DO I DO??????

  3. i was gonna say, "i hope the shot works for you," but now i'm thinking that would be a bad idea. sounds like you're having a crummy transition. and hopefully it's only a transition and not a new reality. here it comes: hang in there.
    in the meantime, what can i do?

  4. Dang it! I hoped you would sleep after that.

    Does your doctor know about your latest symptoms? Maybe he could prescribe something to relax you? Maybe your body/mind are adjusting to the lack of pain? Is relaxing music also irritating? I would attempt a relaxing bubble bath with soothing music and candles, but I don't know what you feel like, so that might not help. I'm praying for you.

  5. HAHAH sarah, what do you think of my relaxing bubble bath! (*&#^$

  6. Amy, the damage is done. We need a new father or a new mother or new children. heheh...roomba is making out with my feet as it sucks up my hair.

    oppp...bleeding again, didn't know it was that stong

    this is just the after shit of cortisone and no meds can help, i'm already on so many. I just have to not kill anyone while I wait for the worst three-6 days go by. *&(&%$(*

  7. The bubblebath looks super relaxing. Hey was that a typo just now? Hahahaha.


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