Sunday, March 1, 2009

My last meal before colonoscopy

My backside artwork tomorrow will probably be not enter...or maybe. Caution curves ahead ..... and no I didn't get the family flu but I had my head in a bucket several times from my nursing!

Sent from my Windows Mobile Phone


  1. you're posting from your phone? that's awesome. what does your colonoscopy mean for the rest of your family? do you have any gaps to fill?

  2. Yippee a colonoscopy!! They are not too bad. I had mine in Brazil and they gave me two little pills about the size of a pin head to help "clean" me out before hand. I don't know what was in them but boy did they do their job. The best part was the light bulb in our bathroom burned out around the 6th or 7th trip to the bathroom. Nothing like going potty by moonlight, it almost felt like camping. The next day we had to take the bus to the doctor's office. Luckily we passed lots of transfer stations with bathrooms that had toilet seats and t.p. as the two tiny pills were still doing their job. Once I got there the colonoscopy wasn't bad at all. I remember feeling like they were trying to blow me up like a balloon but then the drugs really kicked in and I was out for a few hours. The best part was sometime during my rest I had some "movement" and was too drugged to really help myself and my comp had the pleasure of changing my pants. That was the day I truly knew she loved me.
    I even just recently found the video of the procedure and made Jared watch it with me.
    I was laughing about the whole story by the end of the day and it's still a very fond memory. I hope you have as much fun with yours as I did with mine.


    I read this when I was almost done drinking the drink. MAN! great timing!

    The two pills sounds better than the drink...but not the bus ride and the dark. :)

    Now I'm all clean and ready for tomorrow!

  4. Rachel, are you doing OK? I hope the prep isn't too bad for you.

  5. Are you back yet? Is it all over with? Did they successfully locate your colon?


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