Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Last year, we told the Easter bunny to skip our house.

You can find out why at the end of this post.  Because I can't wait to talk about THIS year's Easter....I've got Easter 60% ready.   My prep looked so cute, that I had to take a photo for you


  • Alex is the red/orange basket with Orange eggs
  • Emily is purple/gold with purple eggs
  • Kate is pink/while with pink eggs
  • Mark is blue/blue with blue eggs

In the afternoon of Easter, After we read the Easter Story,  (note to self, talk to the Easter Bunny's husband to work out the schedule) the kids will be given a decked out basket with peeps, and told to look for 12 of THEIR color of eggs.   No running needed!  No competition.  Just find your 12 eggs.  We've done this before and it works GREAT.


Legos, hearts and still winter 004

I never thought I would LOVE the many colors of Peeps! Their six colors started it all.  Though they don't list red (Alex) on their colors....   Oh, and the Easter Bunny is putting Money in each of the kids eggs.    The big kid are getting Quarters in their eggs ($3 each).  Mark is getting farm animals to choke on.  If I can get to a bank, and they fit they are good,  Alex and Emily will have a few dollar or 50 cent coins mixes in.

BACK TO THE POINT OF THIS POST...Why did we miss the Easter Bunny last year?

Easter Bunny: Sad by IanMatthewSoper.

It wasn't because the kids were bad.  It was because THE Easter Bunny is fake.  But the Easter Bunny was real....real tired.    And the Easter Bunny's husband didn't think it was important enough to put on the "hat" and be the Easter Bunny.

When the kids woke up to NOTHING on Easter morning, they hoped it would be later that day.    Later, after church, there was still no Bunny.  When Alex and Emily asked me, I told them that I wrote the Easter Bunny and told him not to come, since he snuck in a few eggs at the group Easter Egg Hunt the day before.  (come on kids, you each got like 50 eggs!)

They were mad.  More mad than this:

Family Flu and Colon prep 001

Alex even announced, "The Easter Bunny is NOT REAL!  You lied to us!  You always lie to us!"   I don't know how I got out of that.

This year, I thought I'd have to pass on Easter again.  But I got an Easter Surprise: I'm in less pain more often....or....I'm taking longer to be in pain!  This is the result of that horrible shot and new pessary.   Yes, I'm 30 and I buy things that your Grandma has. 

IMG_5939(At the end of a recent day, happy, playing lite bright with my girls)

Now I can go up to 6 hours without pain, instead of the 90 minutes I used to have.  Little things around the house are getting done.  The kids are loving the new time I have to play with them.   And for some reason, I'm happier, so the whole house it happy  (can you tell I'm excited by this new font?)

Hmmm..it took me almost an hour to make this post.  Now I've spent enough time flat...I better finish those baskets before the kids come home :)   Happy Easter!


  1. we do the same thing at our house: organize eggs by color. it's so much easier on the easter bunny. i despise peeps, but i love the peeps colors.
    awesome for you that you're feeling great enough to pull Easter together a couple weeks early. i think we're still doing our egg hunt on the 11th.

  2. Yaaaaaaay!!! This post made me happy. And I love Peeps! That book looks funny too.

  3. Of course you're happier! Constant pain would make anyone miserable.

    I can't believe I never thought of color-coding the eggs before - I mean, I've colorcoded sippy cups, toothbrushes, bath towels, and plates - why not Easter eggs?

    Thanks for visiting my place. Nice to meet a kindred bra-shopping spirit!

  4. I will have to remember the different colored eggs for each kid idea... genius!

  5. :) Yay for 6 hours! I'm glad the shot has given you some relief after such a nightmare of an initial reaction. Yay for special moments with the kids!
    We are going to do more for Easter this year. My parents never really did and my kids wouldn't have gotten it at all until this year. So here's to new traditions!

  6. I just love Easter and I am so excited that this year Quintin will be able to hunt eggs and think it is cool!! I just got your phone number from my mom so I will be giving you a call soon (thanks for being concerned...have you been keeping up on my blog?) And yes, I have read seriously-so-blessed, but it had really been a while since I last checked it, so I was shocked to see the latest. Dang people who go into labor before their due dates (I guess I could say that about myself since it happened to me with Q) Haha...talk to you soon. When is good for you to chat?


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