Saturday, December 26, 2009

And all he got was a gift card.

Joe I.  is our FHE buddy.  He’s been our sanity during the chaos of the event and been mostly on{best ever} Treat Duty.  Although anxious little hands have left him out of song duty until last week, he has jumped in with every FHE assignment.   We even took photos with him, then used them to decorated Christmas tree ornaments to remember this new friendship.   Being far removed from the Christmas Spirit, I was caught of guard when Joe walked in with a pile of presents for the whole family.  

Each of us got a present.  Very impressive presents.   Very pretty presents.  The prettiest presents in our Christmas present shelf (instead of a Christmas tree)  Ideal presents with so much thought, that we feel we’ve had gifts from a skilled gift giver.  Let me give you a sample:

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Emily got vintage replicas of the original Mickey and Mini Mouse.   In the last  24 hours, they have been in her bed, in her arms, watching her play in different rooms and loved while being pursued  by a drolly baby.

Mark got a Mr. Potato Head.   I wish I would have bought one before, but there was always something else to buy.  I realize now it should have been at the top of my list years ago.  

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This is Rachel and Emily’s reaction after Mark opened his gift.  It was to our families first ever Mr. Potato Head.  I’ve already been played with Mark 6 times with this super cool toy. It’s good enough to distract Mark while he plays in our room.  

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Everyone was actually happy here as they discovered Mr. Potato Head’s different parts.  Apparently, Mr. Potato head is into S&M, with his handcuffs and all.

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This photo doesn’t do our joy justice.  My eyes are all shifty as I guessed the camera placement on this self portrait.  We got  3 gift cards to a movie theater.  Now the only thing keeping us from a fun date is PICKING a movie.  Super sweet!


Alex couldn’t keep the smile off his face, even as he talked.  He got a super special airplane with a few lego pieces he’s never seen before.  He missed out on the next few turns of gifts while he put it together.  So happy, and it hasn’t faded yet.


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Joe found the softest, biggest, and most cute stuffed monkey.  I love his cartoonish face.  Oh, and I must say something about wrapping.  Joe did an excellent job wrapping the gifts, in paper that stood out, with beautiful bows.  Way to go!

Joe just got a less cool gift card.  To understand why we got him a card to Black Angus, you must understand that he goes to Wendy’s for dinner pretty often.   We told him it was an “upgrade” for dinner.  The tag to his gift was started by a comment by Grant.

Dinner at Wendy’s           4.59

Monday night treats       8.99

FHE referee                        PRICELESS

Thanks Joe, I hope you realize that this is your Thank You card.   You deserve much more!

1 comment:

  1. That was nice that you got him a Black Angus gift card. By the way, did you know that the Crossroad's location in Bellevue was recently shut down. The closest locations are now Lynnwood and Federal Way. My family was super bummed. We love that place.


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