Sunday, December 20, 2009

Christmas sunday, minus two

mark woke up with a 102 or 104 fever. Depending on the thermometer. His nose runs clear but its so swollen!!! Obviously he is in no shape to be in a church. I'm now thankful that I didn't look for a special christmas outfit for him.

I would love to join him, warm in bed to get ready for tonight's big stake choir performance. But as you can see, the position of bed warmer goes to Grant.

Since I've sacrificed some of my health to be in ward choir, I had to perform. The music this year was incredibly thoughtful and beautifully uncommon. Because of that, I wrote the lyrics and their inspiration on two pages of the ward bulletin. I put the announcements and choir gratitudes on a half page insert It was a lot of work, started after thanksgiving. I didn't ask for permission, and planned on asking forgiveness later. I know its self centered to write about that, but I didn't want to forget. I want to remember that I worked so hard on a project, but did it little by little so my health was not affected. I hid my project because I knew I would be judged harshly and I had a few mouths in mind. I don't know about all of them, but all morning I have heard such praise about the bulletin. So clever, so beautiful, so well thought out. Thank you. Loved the words, loved all those extra things, thank you.
Some of the fears didn't come around, I didn't have to say sorry to my leaders. We ran out of programs during the meeting. What I want to take most from this was the praise. I didn't even consider that people would be thankful. Or this thankful.

This was a surprise. And it ruined my plan of not talking to anyone. Inside the bulletin, I planned on sharing the lyrics because they were worth sharing.
I know that those around me have different ideas than me about my actions, thoughts and feelings. I don't are myself changing anytime soon.

I do have more love for my family than I've ever felt and acted with. I'm glad my kids gathered happily for this photo. It reminded me of how burning happy I was to sit on a bench with sharp alex next to one hip. He hasn't kept a tie on past the chapel doors in years.

My girls snuggled together on my other side. Their two dresses and hair overlapping in a way that showed two best friend sisters. No fights this year as they put on their christmas dresses. Emily want be able to squeeze into these. Matching sizes next year.

Sitting on the bench was like sitting next to a radio. Alex and emily blasted the melody to far far way on judeas plains. I couldn't keep my loud alto up with their vigor. It was awesome!

I hear children's grumbling and feet, which tells me that church classes have been released. So I must send this and get home to rest for my other choirs performance.

Happy christmas sunday to all. I leave church happy for my work creating such happiness for me.

What happened at your christmas sunday church today?

Sent from my Windows Mobile Phone

1 comment:

  1. Wow those dresses are so beautiful! I just love how they look all so happy and pretty. Where did you get them? I havent been able to find anything worth buying this year for Sara. Merry Christmas


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