Thursday, December 24, 2009

Aunt Beth is so damn fun!

Emily and "Smith 2nd cousins" decorating fresh baked cookies. Dough and icing was whipped up by Aunt Beth.

It is the best tasting cookie dough Grant declares. Better than the baked cookies, which I declare to be the best EVER. Its from an out of print McCalls cook book that beth declares to be the best cookbook on the planet. The books binding has finished its disintegration. The real amount of butter and nutmeg

She almost died a few months ago. Years of Diverticulitis attacks had left her colon so scarred. The doc
said that the next stage would have been death. As it was, she hurt so bad she just didn't eat. Then they realized she was septic. And she lost 8 inches of colon. She beat me by 2 inches.

She is my funny, solid and mentally sound, cooks as fast as opening a bakery box with the taste of heaven made all day. She all swears like that old apostle, J Golden Kimball.

I can be my new self at her house. SWEET. that is worth having the one hour drive.

This morning I get a call to bring the kids with our first visit in years. They were watching 4 of 5 of Jonathans kids. Bring the kids, it will be fun on every part. We negotiated and brought the older two.

The years between visits was their choice, not ours. Remodeling with no banister to separate the 2nd floor from the stairs down. And graduate school. And illness. I missed them. We missed them.

Before this post gets so long it won't be read, or I don't get my COMPLETELY FINISHED PHOTO FRAMES up on the wall, I'll share this

Grant telling his Aunt that unlike the job she was fired from, he has few office politics

"The great thing about microsoft is that their are so many socially inept people that there are no office politics. They either can't get it together to appear that they are snubbing or they are so inept that they have no idea they were just snubbed."

Merry christmas eve to all! Grants brother kenneth is here, grants off work and making pancakes and the house is very very very happy. A very merry christmas indeed Now go eat some cookies with me!

Sent from my Windows Mobile Phone

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