Friday, December 18, 2009

Kate on the source of ingredients

Grant took the day off work of those "use it or lose it" vacation days.

As I finish photo frames (at the rate of one per half hour), I hear the happy sounds of Grant and kate making cookies. (did you know, I married him because he could make pancakes and biscuits?) Overheard just now...

"Chickens make eggs, and cows make milk. People don't make anything. People just makes pee-pee and poopie."

God sent is 3 year olds so we could laugh more.

I'm having another of a string of really painful days. The constant burn deep in my hip makes life hard and time slow. Feels like all the work I have put in (at doctors and PT) has really meant nothing to my pain. Lots of new and old ideas. I don't even want to bother writing them down because a new road is brought to my attention every other appointment. I hate this road I'm on right now, but changing roads is overwhelming, impossibly, too much energy. I cry too much as I fill out new doc forms, and I know I really can't handle that right now.

I sure am glad that dispite the pain that rips at my sanity and kindness, I have a husband who asks tiny hands for cooking help; for cookies and all the other treats that have come to our house and in my praising mouth; and for 3 year old girls who remind me of my place in the barn.

Sent from my Windows Mobile Phone

1 comment:

  1. Despite the hardness of the search I am glad there continue to be new options and new ideas in your search for health. I wish that your journey in pain were shorter and your answers more forthcoming but until then continued hope and possibilities will just have to do. You are in my prayers for peace, comfort, strength, endurance, and health.


I'm touched you would comment. Please be gentle.