Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I am the Catan champion!

Playing settlers of Catan. Can you guess why I'm smiling? Alex got to stay up to make it a foursome with our guest.
Grants baby brother Kenneth is over. we've had him since the first hours of Christmas Eve (late late flight.)

Its been great to have him. Tomorrow morning we say goodbye. We enjoyed
...that he is a bachelor and only brings himself to our tiny house.
....that he is not a student, hence he doesn't need to sleep in.
...both of the above mean he has much energy and capacity for our chaos and to jump on in here.
...the kids adore him
...he eats anything and wants to do anything or nothing
...he accompanied both FHE songs with a guitar.
...he borrowed a guitar and has been the biggest supplier of music this week.
....he brought fun, unexpected christmas gifts. Fresh picked and roasted nuts, diary of a whimpy kid and the creepy "ripley believe it or not" book
....he was grossed out by Grants huge barking spiders
...because he was feeling nostalgic for the Richins family event place, he picked Old Country Buffet for dinner. We are all still very happy with that choice. More so because of their new Slushie machine.

Now the game is done, with grant in 2nd and kenneth in 3rd.

Great, now he really won't want to come over.

But on the bright side.

I won. I won. I won twice in a row I WON!!!

And most of all ulcer enjoyed beating kenneth, alex and grant at the board game "Settlers of Catan" for two games in a row. The first time he would have won right after my turn. Instead of redeeming himself, I squashed him further. I did get lucky with two victory points AND largest army. I came out of the blue to win! It was such a shock that the boys have continued playing for second place.

I hope Kenneth wins because we would like to appear to be better hosts than we are. And we want him to come back.
Sent from my Windows Mobile Phone

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