Thursday, April 2, 2009


I am so no pregnant! We know our families are overjoyed to now know that I'm getting my tubes tied during the surgery.

TMI? Nope, everyone and their aunt have been asking about the future of my uterus, so this announcement can't be more private than those questions!

Later today I'll post the surgery details.....

Hope you laughed yesterday. I've been planning this for months. That was my happy place in my brain to make each horrible hour worth a joke!

p.s That was MY real pregnancy test, showing MY true pregnant nature with baby Mark.

Sent from my Windows Mobile Phone


  1. Great April fools, I bet you got a lot of calls! heheheheheh At first I thought you were really pregnant and then I remembered it was april 1st. I didn't even get a chance to play any cruel things on david.

  2. You are going to think I am so dumb- but you totally had me going on this! Then I remembered that you actually told me you would be doing this. How gullible am I?!


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