Saturday, April 18, 2009

Day 2, I walked!

Thank you for all the prayers! I was a tough night. The spinal block I got to "hide" the pain for 18 hours didn't work. The nurses were great at increasing the "push button" pain meds.

This morning I even walked around the "block", and am sitting in a chair. Thank you Valium! It's stopped the cramping that made moving impossible.

I'm up for friends. Thanks Amy and Amiee for coming last night to visit at just the right time. They kept my mind amused while I was forced to sit on the edge of the bed for an excruciating half an hour. And Amy painted my toenails her signature "Hooker Yellow"

I saw my doc today. There is no talk of going home yet. I got to eat Jello this morning and I'm waiting for some broth. YUM!

Keep the prayers coming. I need to stay positive and float away from the pain. Calls and visits and email are really helping that. Thank you thank you thank you!

I hope I haven't offended anyone. I realized I've been acting "entitled" to help , where really, charity is a gift given, not forced. Love you all, (but maybe that's the five pain drug talking!"

Rachel, really Rachel typing on her own

ps, what did I write near my surgery sites?? Mostly bits from Isaiah 58:12. And on one leg..."Open, come in"


  1. I can't believe you walked on Day 2!! Those *must* be amazing meds! Email me about what I can bring to you. I'm definitely coming tomorrow with Sarah. Not sure if I can break away today.
    I put your name on the prayer roll yesterday. So glad you are doing okay!!

  2. Prayers Prayers to you!


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