Tuesday, April 14, 2009

One heart in the right place

Last night I was nervous.  Surgery.  Family.  Pain.  Family.  Recovery.   My heart.....oh, my heart.   I failed my EKG.   So today I go in for an Echocardiogram, resting and on a treadmill. 

lower right I gather from the panic in the nurses voice, that this could me that my surgery is postponed, or will change.  Like I'll be awake, but numb from the waist down.....I really am guessing, I can't think of a bad outcome.  I'm 30, my heart should be fineright?

 left close

Instead of worrying, I got busy being positive.  I had printed some positive photos I had on my phone.  Cute kids, flowers at Microsoft, lay down....

right top

I knew I was going to taken them to the hospital, but what then....tape to an IV pole?  I wasn't sure.   Until last night. 



This is the finished project: a picture board to inspire me anywhere.  To big to be forgotten like a bag album.  Kay, you see why I love it?

easter pre surgery 071

I think I'm going to be okay.   For this week.   Please remember, I can't do this alone!

flower hand

Please remember these next few weeks that I need to borrow you hope, your faith and your happiness.   I promise you'll get something good back.            Thank you.       Oh, God, bless us all!


  1. Cool photo board! Prayers still coming. :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. you did a wonderful job! I love the overlays! what great memories you have and good positve moments to reflect on daily. Prayers are always being said over here. It is fun to hear our little ones bless those by name. They don't always get the names said correctly but the prayers are being said!


I'm touched you would comment. Please be gentle.