Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Hat off to C-sections , Day 5

Last night I hurt.

So I took a shower, to relax my back with the spray of hot water. 

It worked

My bandage got soaked.  So much for waterproof!

I call the nurses.   I took it off.


Rarely has panic so quickly and so deeply gone into my entire being.   I thought  string held me together.  I saw three and looked away.  My mom, and morbidly  curious nanny counted them (oh yeah, me and the nanny, we’re tight like that.)   Someday I’ll ask.  Or I’ll just wait until next Monday and count as they are taken out. 

So how do you do it?  Really?  How? 

Have a c-section, be stapled shut, and go home to care for a new baby?

But then I look at pictures like THIS

And I remember why this time of pain is worth it.

I will lift again.  Already I’m walking.  I’m walking more in the last 3 days than I’ve walked in the last 3 months.   The “AFV” style pain is gone.  


I can sit and sit and sit.   And stand and walk. 

Oh isn’t it so loverly!  


  1. That is so great!!!!

    I know, I totally admire women who have c-sections and I am deathly afraid of them. (The c-sections - not the women.) I can't imagine having a hungry baby to hold after going through that. I remember my little dog trying to give me some attention after surgery years ago and I cried for someone to get her away from me.

  2. That's so great that you're walking and sitting already. I'm glad the surgery went well. I'll be interested to see how the recovery goes - hopefully well! I'm glad you have friends up there to take care of you.

  3. That is Awesome Rachel! Way to go. Glad you are making progress!!! WOW. I did not expect to see you up and going so soon! Call me when you get home from the dr's!


  4. Did you have to go home with the staples? They take mine out at the hospital and put on steri-strips before I go home. I think that's proof that you've had it worse than my c-sections. I pray that you have a nurse that is brilliant at taking out the staples. I hate that part!
    I'm glad you're doing okay. It's been a pretty lame week for me so I've been unhelpful (but prayerful!) on your behalf.

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