Wednesday, April 8, 2009

On the 9th Eve of Surgery, my angels gave tome...

3 children on Amoxicillin



(Mark has sinus and ear infection, Katelyn has sinus infection, Alex has strep.  For Mark it's his 5th infection in 5 months, now we're trying to get HIM in for surgery on the adenoids.)




2 weeks of laundry done by friends




See we REALLY need washed clothes .

(those of you who know Emily are.laughing.  This was the Monday after someone did our laundry last time, and she CHOSE to wear this!!)



And1 bribe for my lawns mowed



(Yes, I threw my back out a few hours later, but it was totally worth a few hours fun in the sun with my babies,a  borrowed dog and fresh mowed lawn!)



Thanks to my many readers and few brave commenters!  There's still time to sign up on

I know it's not as easy as setting up a blog, but I do want to know who wants to be call when help is needed on the first week after surgery or even 2nd month!  

Reading this blog is enough help for some.  It is one of the most fun things I do.   I wish I could be spotofsunshine at blogspot, but I'm better at what I really am, reality. 

(did you do it?  were you so curious that you looked up spot of sunshine?)

**UPDATE***about lotsa of  helping hands

If you were part of the Whitmore community, you can also be part of mine.  You can use your same name and password.  Just change from their community to mine on a drop down button (TOP RIGHT of the page)  that says "switch community"  You still need to get approved by signing in to my community number 612225  (hence the /c/612225 after the name)

Good luck!


  1. rachel- i tried to sign up for lotsahelpinghands a couple weeks ago, but had trouble. i couldn't disassociate myself from whitmores. it said i was not invited to yours. any suggestions?

    btw, in case you're wondering, nolan never ended up having strep so we did NOT give that to alex! :)

  2. Could be worse- the ever present Virus that has no easy cure and just has to be waited out. Blah. I love antibiotics!


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