Thursday, April 16, 2009

The last dance

St. patty, dressing and potatoes 008

My last baby. My last dances, cheek to cheek. Tears over my last baby bounced and twirled away. Tears from my last baby dissolved into laughter as we swayed and dipped. My last diaper changes. He'll be so much heavier when I can lift him again on June 12.

Than you NieNie for this story that give me hope and peace. I can, I will wait these next 8 weeks with joy. Thanks to you, I knowing that my arms, with their perfect skin and cute freckles, will be able to scoop up my last baby, my obedience* baby. (*and that's another post entirely)

And we will dance again, cheek to cheek. To his song. To my sisters opera CD's. To nothing but the house noises of a family of 6. And we will twirl and we will bounce.

I love you Mark. I hope you don't remember these next 8 weeks of rejection. I love you and only want to makes sure my body is strong enough to hold my future grand babies....otherwise I would always pick you up.

Maybe with your smiles and recent giving of little gifts, maybe you can pick me up out of the post surgery blues. Give me a smile. Give me your frown melting laughs. Thanks baby!


  1. yes, i loved nie-nie's post too. did you read cjane's easter post? just as awesome.
    so happy it gave you hope. you really are in an amazing spot pre-surgery. keep the perspective.

  2. What a sweet post. It made me think of the 4 months I couldn't carry Andrew followed by the joy of being able to do so again (even though I was limping).

  3. This was the sweetest thing. And even made me teary. You are an inspiration too.


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