Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A love letter

Dear Hydro-Morphine,

Just writing to say hello.  And, well, I really wanted to tell you how much I love you.  It’s so hot when you take my pain away.  Especially the burning scar pain.  I soooo love it when you take that pain away! But that’s not the only reason I love you.

I love how me make me see the world.  The trees are greener, the tulips are brighter when you’re with me.   And when I count, every thing is more. 

Like today.  I loved how much money the kids raised from the neighbors for their schools walk-a-thon.  They earned over 65$!   But then Julie, (who only loves Advil) said it was only 60$.    So she wrote that down.   You and I know what they REALLY EARNED.

But like every love affair, I gotta let you know, there are some things about you I don’t like.  So we need to have “a talk”.   Why must you stop the pain and my digestion?   Some things are not okay to stop.  So, love, I can’t keep being with you if you prevent one of the most basic  human functions.  

Darling, don’t  cry, I still love you.  I just need some alone time okay?

You know you are so great, and you’re the best I've ever had,.   I’d be lying if I didn’t tell you that.  However,  our love is running low.   And I don’t see how I can ask for any  more of you.   And.     Well.

This is so hard to write.   How do I tell you?   Well, it’s no you , it’s me.  Sometimes I call on oxycodone instead of you.    There, it’s out.    You have no idea how much it pains me to switch.  I don’t want to!    I love YOU!  

No man is an island…..Honey, there are more people than just you and me in this world.   The vote is in, I need to make a change.  So I wanted to let you down easy, before you never see me again.   If it makes you feel better, oxycodone won’t stay around for long before I switch to plain old hydro-codone.   

Please, I know what you’re thinking.  I’m not a player.   But I have to be true to myself.  And the truth is, I don’t need you anymore.   The worst of the pain is over.  It’s time to step down.  The doctors say in another week, I’ll be amazed how much better I feel.  And I already feel so great.   Of course, these last two weeks I’ve felt great WITH you.    But lately, well, you’ve seen the signs….You know how I haven’t called in the middle of the night?  And I don’t run to you first thing in the morning?  It’s because I’m getting better. 

Dear, wonderful Hydro-Morphine,  don’t despair in losing me.  There plenty of fish in the sea, plenty of freshly wounded people who are praying for someone JUST LIKE YOU.  

Ill see you around.  Hope we can still be friends.

Love always,



  1. my favorite post from you. ) glad you're beginning to kick your [hydro-morphine] drug habit. and so glad you seem happy to do so. good luck weaning yourself.

  2. Thanks. I can only take part of the credit. The inspiration goes to Nanny Julie. As she opened the bottle of Advil and took them, she said, "Dear Advil, I love you. Love, Julie". I made me laugh so hard, and then this post started to form. Thanks Julie! Today everything is, Dear Marie Calenders, I love you. You made breakfast great today. Love, Rachel."

    so dear comment readers,

    I love you.
    Thanks for commenting.

    Love, Rachel

  3. This is fun! Okay, here's mine:
    Dear Paper Plates,
    I love using you and then throwing you away!

  4. Mine might be:

    Dear Public Library,
    How I love to check out books and read them without it costing me a cent. But you must know I am highly tempted to never return the copy of (for real!!) Guernsey Literary & Potatoe Peel Pie Society which I currently have checked out. It is a story of bravery in ways I have never seen before, and I knew nothing about the island of Guernsey (off the coast of Scotland) before. Don't worry. I'm too honest to kipe your book, but know that I'll be watching for it to come out in paperback!



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