Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I want to help out, how can I know what you need?

The best way you can help up is to sign up on the virtual calendar of needs and volunteer spaces on

The following is a list we've shared with helping/giving groups. Half of these items are listed on the above website for people to sign up for. The other half (visitors, help at church, Visitors, lawn help, visitors) of things on this list don't have a sign up.

If you've clicked here, you probably want to help. And we REALLY want you help. Call Rachel. Stop by for a visit. You don't need to bring anything. You don't need to do any work. Just talk with me, about your day, about your family, about the book/movie you liked.

And now with the ramblings over, I give to you THE LIST!

Richins Needs
for April 17th Surgery and July follow up procedure

1. Rachel will be in the hospital around 5 days. Surgery is on a Friday. Please let people know that she would love visitors, from the moment surgery is over until she leaves. Especially on that first Sunday. She’s never been in the hospital this long before.
2. Rachel will not be able to lift over 20 pounds (Mark is 25) for 8 weeks. (that’s June 12) Squatting down to help children is also forbidden.
3. Three months (Late July) after this main surgery, Rachel will have an outpatient surgery to finish the “new bumper.” It might include more recover restrictions. We’ve been assured that it is a tiny recovery next to the April Surgery. But it will be greater pain during the shorter recover.
4. NEED: Before/After surgery: Rachel shouldn’t drive due to the side effects of the meds she’s on. Rides to different doctor appointments. Tammy Risenmay has been a leader in getting the rides assigned. Those are listed on (anyone is welcome to register)
5. NEED: Our children sent to sit with different families for Sacrament Meeting. Going to sacrament meeting is important during recovery, to help keep Rachel’s emotions and spirits up, but not be hurt by the kids. We found that this 1 hour was an easy time for people to serve by taking one kid per family. (church help)
6. NEED: Childcare during Grant’s few Sunday meetings/Home Teaching for about 7 weeks after Rachel’s mom leaves (April 23). (hopefully church help)
7. Sometimes childcare is needed before/after nanny is here. She is not always flexible. This is also something we can post online/work with VT for. We are so grateful for our Nanny at a price we can afford for 8+ hours a day.
8. NEED: (according to Grant) Rachel needs visitors, when she’s stuck in bed. In bed at home and especially at the hospital. Face to face, not just phone calls.
9. Dinner for the weekends, Starting April 18tt and possibly for some weekends? We will add days that we would like meals to the website, so all groups can be involved. (see #4)
10. After surgery, probably a couch brought in again for Rachel to lie on during sacrament meeting. (church Help)
11. Frequent Priesthood blessings for our family. This has been forgotten before by ourselves, and when things start to get tough post-surgery, this is the first step in moving forward again. (church help)
12. Laundry. The first 3-4 weeks after surgery are the worst. Grant thinks he can continue to wash and dry the laundry. Our children already sort the dirty clothes and put away the clean clothes. If things get more overwhelming than we anticipate, we’ll ask for help doing loads.
13. Shopping: VERY HELPFUL! We have created 6 meals that we have every week. We have lists of what we need from each store (Costco, Cash and Carry, Any Kroger store, Trader Joes.) We have stocked up on most items. Letting people know that if they are able, to add us on to their own store trip, would be helpful.
14. NEED: Outside chores (Grant hates, we used to pay, but money is tight, and Rachel can’t due to back, and Grant doesn’t have time or energy to do it at 11pm)
a. Mowing lawn
b. Weeding lawn and flower plots
c. Sprinkling grass seed and dirt on bare areas (or old weed area)
d. NO SPRAY CHEMICALS, The youngest two are especially sensitive, and this lawn needs to be played on.
e. Trim the front 3 bushes
f. DREAM: rake up the moss. Sprinkle down more grass seed and dirt in the thinner areas
g. DREAM: Divide the daisy bushes, replant nearby
h. DREAM: Move the irises from the front bed to another bed, remove the weeds, and turn that bed into all grass.
i. We’d love a yard cleanup project day with the youth (as suggested by the bishop), with the day set far enough In advance that we’d be able to include our neighbors, DREAM of GRANT: Pave our front lawn and paint it green.


  1. this is more like it...I could help watch the kids for home teaching if grant will drop them off here at our house. It would give you some peace for an hour or so with kids out of the house. Easier for me to watch them here with my own kids running about! Please add me to sundays for home teaching. I love to visit people too, I get upset when people don't invite me and they really want me over. I will visit you too! I hope things go well and tat recovery is quick and good!

  2. I find it really helpful to have a blessing before surgeries, procedures, or labor, especially this last time when it looked like Carmen might end up being in distress. I remained calm throughout it and knew I wouldn't need a c-section. My regular doctor was pretty surprised I didn't get one after Carmen scored a 2 out of 10 on her biophysical profile.

    I'll sign up for more rides. :)


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