Thursday, November 5, 2009

Fashionista at 8

Emily stands in the family room. Waiting for alex to out on her shoes, she catches her reflection in the sliding glass doors. She strikes a runway model pose and speaks in a deadpan runway announcer voice. Emily's own words, I swear, "'All ready for school. Dressed in the nice classic of white, black, red, and brown. [pause as she looks over herself again] And gold and purple. And yellow. Classic." looks at me and strikes abother runway pose

When I think of dressing classic, I always look for a combo of black, white, red and brown.

So I had her move to the kitchen and strike another pose. Or 5.

Made me smile after a rough morning of Alex fighting every word and command. We stayed cool. I feel verbally beat up. He kept switching topics and people or objects that were ruining his life.
So witnessing emily washed me with a love of parenting.

Oh, read it again. This time, know that we have never watched project runway or top model. I can only guess its from off commercials.

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