Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Stage fright

It was time for their first performance this weekend at mary asplunds house. What a kind friend and parent she is. Such a beautiful view of the mountains during this beginner heavy recital.

It would be true to say that you could tell which of my kids practiced more

Or which of my children is a natural stage performer.

Emily shone with her baptism dress on. She was the best example of a graceful ending, perfect bow, and and calm exit. Calm enough that I got I photo with my nearly dead battery camera.

New to severe jitters, alex also discovery what it was like to have an overflowing room of quite people looking at him. He was up and down so fast that I have no photo. I did manage to get a tint video of his song. He was the first beginner to go, second person on the double sided program. His need for speed and stage fright led him to places his fingers had never been. If we had been sitting in the front row seats with the children, we could have knelt by him with encouragement.
You couldn't tell he was more practiced than emily. His short time practicing his weekly lesson did not affect his love of hayride. Often two short rendition would be declared DONE! By our hurried pupil. It frustrated me how well he played without his book open.
But his beautiful song was choked by nerves. And no one knew or acknowledged that his finger was still growing back as he started one handed to learn this song. He played it so well so quickly after to code of notes was revealed.

8 weeks of lessons. I'm slightly proud and slightly sad. Perhaps this is it as I am set to leave lessons after I have two babies returned to my schedule.

Ending note should be the end. Cite bags of cookies were decline by eager to please me children. Made me so proud to are their commitment to wheat. They got a bah of cotton candy at home. Grant returned delayed to the car after packing up chairs. Where are my cookies? I'm hungry did no one get me some?
Even the kids were upset at his plan to ditch the diet and eat IN FRONT of we committed to the wheat free diet. I wonder if the kids will remember the wheat or the nerves from their first piano recital.

What was your first recital like and what did you do?

Sent from my Windows Mobile Phone

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